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Bachelors Degree

The Department offers the following Bachelors Programmes:


Speech Language Therapy (qualifying as a speech language therapist) - Course A

Coordinator: Prof. Marco de Vincentiis (06-49976802)

Didactic manger: Patrizia Pescerelli (06-49976839)


Speech Language Therapy (qualifying as a speech language therapist) - Course B

Coordinator: Prof. Rosaria Turchetta (06-49976854)

Didactic manager: Anna Pierro (06-93272922)


Orthoptics and Ophthalmological Assistance (qualifying for the healthcare profession of orthoptist and ophthalmology assistant)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianluca Scuderi

Didactic manager: Dr. Anna Maria Comberiati (06-49975341)


Audiometric Techniques (qualifying for the healthcare profession of audiometrist) – Rome Policlinico Umberto I University Hospital

Coordinator: Prof. Patrizia Mancini (06-449976726)


Audioprosthetic Techniques (qualifying for the healthcare profession of audioprosthologist) - Rome Policlinico Umberto I University Hospital

Coordinator: Prof. Giuseppe Magliulo (06-49976810)



Cristina Luccioli
Didactic representative
Tel: +39 06.49976705

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